P.O. Box. 566062, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Offer Letter

Date: 03-11-2023
To: Maisa Adel Abdelrasoul Shebl
with EID/License No. 784-1987-7505808-8
Description: 1 bedroom furnished apartment, Sigma 1, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Offer Validity: 3 days

Unit Number


Rental Price

AED 6,000.00 (payable to the owner’s account)

Lease Duration

One Month

Lease Period Starting Date

December 16, 2023

Lease Period End Date

January 16, 2024

No. of Payment

1 Cheque

Security Deposit (Refundable)

AED 7,200.00 (payable to the owner’s account)

Agency Fee (plus 5% VAT)

AED 2,000.00 (payable to Agency)
Note: The agency fee is non-refundable in case of cancellation.

Tenant’s Signature

Phoenix Real Estate Management LLC

Bank Name: Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
Account Holder’s Name: Phoenix Real Estate Management LLC.
Account No.:19146042
IBAN No.: AE100500000000019146042
Swift Code: ABDIAEAD
Branch: Abu Dhabi
P.O. Box. 566062, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Date: 03-11-2023
No: PREM-17384
The subject of the tenancy: 1 bedroom furnished apartment, Sigma 1, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Landlord Name

Abdulla Hamdan Mohamed Naeef Alameri

Landlord EID/Passport No.


Tenant Name

Maisa Adel Abdelrasoul Shebl

Tenant EID/Passport No.


Unit Number


Rental Price

AED 6,000.00

Lease Duration

One Month

Lease Period Starting Date

December 16, 2023

Lease Period End Date

January 16, 2024

No. of Payment

1 Cheque

Security Deposit (Refundable)

AED 7,200.00


Property Use: The Property is designated solely for residential purposes and may be occupied by the Tenant, their immediate family, and invited visitors. It shall not be employed for any unlawful or morally objectionable activities, and no informal or registered trade business or professional practice may be conducted on the premises, nor shall it be utilized for any commercial activities.

Landlord Access: The Tenant hereby consents to grant the Landlord reasonable access to the Property for scheduled periodic inspections. The Landlord will provide the Tenant with a minimum of 48 hours' notice before such inspections. In the event that the Tenant fails to acknowledge or respond to three consecutive notices, the Landlord reserves the right to access the Property without further confirmation, even in the absence of the Tenant.

Tenant’s Signature

Landlord’s Signature

P.O. Box. 566062, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Repairs and Maintenance: The Landlord is responsible for all major internal and external maintenance, including but not limited to repairs to the roof, drainage, major plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning systems. The Tenant is responsible for minor maintenance (costs of AED 500 or less) and for repairing any damages caused by the Tenant, their family, visitors, or belongings. It is the Tenant's responsibility to promptly inform the Landlord of any necessary repairs.

Alterations: The Tenant shall not make any repairs, painting, or alterations (internal or external) affecting the structure or appearance of the Property without the prior written consent of the Landlord. Tenants are not allowed to attach curtain rods to the metal frames of windows and doors, or glue carpets onto tiles.

Property Condition: The Tenant shall, throughout the duration of this Agreement, keep the Property and all objects therein in the same repair and condition as received by the Landlord and shall make good and repair (or pay the Landlord the cost of the repair) for any articles damaged by the negligence or misuse of the Tenant, their family, or visitors. The Tenant shall deliver the Property to the Landlord at the end of the tenancy period or upon earlier termination in the same condition, with the exception of normal wear and tear.

Property Inspection: The Landlord or their representative, with or without the Tenant, shall inspect the Property at the end of the tenancy period or upon earlier termination. Following the inspection, the Landlord or their representative may decide that repainting and cleaning of the Property are not required. In such a case, the Tenant will be notified in writing. If the Landlord or their representative believes that painting or cleaning is required or if any damage is found, the Landlord may deduct the necessary amount from the security deposit.

Bounced Cheque: If any check or other payment tendered by the tenant is returned by the bank for insufficient funds, the tenant shall pay a returned check fee of AED 500. In addition, the tenant shall immediately pay the full amount of the returned check, plus any applicable fees or charges, to the landlord in cash or by money order. If the tenant fails to pay the full amount of the returned check, plus fees and charges, within seven days of receiving notice of the returned check, the landlord may terminate the tenancy and evict the tenant for nonpayment.

Vacating the premises: Upon departure, the tenant must provide the landlord with proof of proper utility disconnection. This may involve obtaining clearance certificates from utility providers, indicating the account closure and payment of outstanding balances. Furnishing these documents demonstrates the tenant's compliance with the lease agreement and a smooth transition from the rental property.

Tenant’s Signature

Landlord’s Signature

P.O. Box. 566062, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Tenancy Renewal: The Tenant shall notify the Landlord in writing at least two months prior to the end of the tenancy agreement period of their intention to either renew or not renew the tenancy agreement for an additional term. If the Landlord does not receive this notice, it shall be assumed that the Tenant wishes to renew the tenancy agreement for an additional year, subject to the Landlord's approval. The rent and terms and conditions for the renewed tenancy agreement shall be communicated by the Landlord.

Breaching of Contract: If the Tenant wishes to terminate the tenancy agreement early, they must provide the Landlord with a written notice at least two months in advance, and pay a twomonth penalty fee on the same day as submitting the written notice. The Landlord may choose to accept the early termination of the tenancy agreement, in which case the Tenant will be refunded any remaining rental payments for the remainder of the tenancy agreement period, minus the two-month penalty fee. This clause shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates.

Commission Fee: 5% of the lease amount plus 5% VAT is to be paid to Phoenix Real Estate Management LLC and has to be paid by the tenant once the tenancy agreement is signed by both parties.

Security Deposit: The Tenant shall pay the Landlord a security deposit at the time of signing this Agreement. The security deposit shall be refunded to the Tenant at the end of the tenancy, minus any damages or unpaid rent.

Refund of Security Deposit: The Landlord agrees to refund the security deposit to the Tenant within 30 days of the handover of the property to the Landlord, provided that the property is returned in the same condition as it was received, with the exception of normal wear.

Deduction for Damages: If the Landlord determines that there are any damages to the property that are the result of the Tenant's negligence or misuse, the Landlord may deduct the cost of repairing or replacing such damages from the security deposit.

Notification of Deduction: If the Landlord intends to make any deductions from the security deposit, the Landlord will provide the Tenant with written notification of the amount of the deduction and the reason for the deduction within 30 days of the handover of the property.

Key handover: The landlord will furnish the tenant with one set of keys at the start of the tenancy, and the tenant must return them at the end. If the tenant misplaces the keys, they are accountable for replacement costs. Copying keys without written consent from the landlord is not permitted.

Tenant’s Signature

Landlord’s Signature

P.O. Box. 566062, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Validity: This Tenancy Agreement will be in effect for a period of one year. The total rent payment is non-refundable unless there is a breach of the Tenancy Agreement as stated in the Breaching of Contract Clause. If the Tenant wishes to extend the Tenancy Agreement, a renewal fee of 1,000 AED + 5% VAT will be payable to Phoenix Real Estate Management LLC.

Note: If the Tenant violates any of the terms and conditions set forth in the Tenancy Agreement, the Landlord reserves the right to immediately evict the Tenant from the Property. In such a case, the Tenant will forfeit all rights and privileges granted under the Tenancy Agreement.

Tenant’s Signature

Landlord’s Signature


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